Singapore Runner Cheats

I love reading running news and makes me smile each time I see one that’s highlighted on Yahoo! News. Not all news are good news and here is one that’s a disgrace to the community. I could careless but there are just certain things I’d like to point out.


The sport of running is consists of just 2 basic things. You run for yourself when you’re thinking about your well-being and random thoughts like “what’s for dinner?“. The other side of running is for the local community and causes. People run for other people who cannot. This can be for family, friends, and complete

Bose Sie2 Sport Headphones Review for Running

These sport headphones are popular among runners because of the sound quality and the functionality for a runner. I received these as a birthday present last year and it’s the longest pair of earphones that I have used.

Berkeley Half Marathon Review

There was only one reason why I decided to run this Half Marathon. Since I ran the Wipro San Francisco Marathon, I was eligible to get a challenge medal. In other words, if you ran any of the races from the SF Marathon, you will get an extra medal for running the Berkeley Half. Unfortunatly,

US Half Marathon 2012 Review

This is a late review for the US Half in San Francisco. Somehow I missed creating this because I was too busy running. Luckily I Love blogging about running and here we go! Back in 11/3/2012, I decided I wanted to do a Half Marathon. This was my very first one and I was nervous.

Westin Hotels, New Balance and Running

I travel about twice a year and have been to at least 4 countries with my running attire. I’m such a fanatic that it’s the first thing I always pack and non-runners just think I’m crazy. I’m crazy enough to do a few miles on the Carnival Cruise Lines after a night of wine… That’s

World Championship Spartan Race

I just can’t keep Spartan Races away from my life! I’m surrounded by people wanting to do these races and nothing beats the adrenaline. A few months ago I posted that Spartan Races is going live . 30-sec Spartan NBC Sports Promo from SpartanRace on Vimeo. Well I saw on their web site that you

Upcoming Race: Foster City 10 Miler

You guys want to know something great? Corrigan Sports has a trio of races in Northern California called the 10-Miler Series! From the looks of it, this will be a real fun adventure of people who wants to run their first half marathon. Perfect time to be training and racing at the same time. They

RunDisney 2013 Half Marathon Review

My 2nd half marathon and this was by far the most “FUN” and “EXCITING” race I have done so far. I don’t know what other races will come close to this. There’s a reason why this gets sold out 6+ months ahead of time (in about a day!)  and  $186!

Newton Running Shoes

Normally I would give a review on my first run but the Newton running shoes are different. Eccentric. I love the shoes so far and now I have my conclusion for this shoe. Went to Road Runner Sports in San Carlos,CA . I’m a big fan of New Balance and I had no intention of